GPD CoO | 38 959 |
Continent of Origin | E |
GDP DC | 2 406 |
Destination Continent | LA |
Distance | far |
GDP Change | L |
Home Change | im |
The most important thing for me is to have a happy family. That is why we decided to come to Honduras. My wife and I met in Marseille (France). She studied there, but it wasnt easy as a Honduran to find a job when she finished. We didnt think much of it: in Honduras, she could work as a dentist and I would try to find something to do. That was the challenge. I used to say: I cant imagine being in a place without working. And I was very lucky because I got a job offer very quickly in an educational institution, based on a previous working experience in France. My friends say that Im like a cat who always lands on his feet. Its been three years now. This period is not enough to evaluate the country, but I do feel that Honduras has a great potential and it has very talented people who can make things change. I do miss my family, my friends. And I also miss the music. Im someone who needs to play, to create. In Tegucigalpa, the city where we live, I missed that. I was looking for musicians to start a jazz band, but it is often difficult to find people who share your vision. Luckily, a few months ago I found the ideal people and we started a group, French Quartet. My family, my job and the music are the three reasons that make up a very positive personal balance - despite living in a country with high levels of violence and with lots of people having a hard time. But I also feel that we can all build a country where things work out better. Together, cooperating. In short, we are here building a house and creating a home.
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