

GPD CoO2 085
Continent of OriginA
Destination ContinentA
GDP ChangeE
Home Changeim

Ghudia is a 20 year old girl born and raised in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Her name means thank you in the kanouri language. Three months ago she escaped to Diffa, a town in Niger near the countrys border with Nigeria, with her mother and her six brothers and sisters after her father was killed by two men belonging to Boko Haram, on May 7th of this year. The men raided her home early in the morning and killed her father after taking all his money and his mobile phone. Ghudia, the eldest of her family, ran after them screaming while the two young men fled laughing. A few days later the same young people have bothered her and her sister on the way to school, shooting at her or her sister, but luckily they never got hurt. After this latest case of violence, Ghudia's mother decided to leave Maiduguri. Both her parents are originally from Chad, but they fled for political reasons. Her mother, who has a sister in Diffa, decided to leave Maiduguri to go to Niger with her children. In Diffa, Ghudia and her family live in a house that she is renting for 6000cfa a month from a Nigerien soldier. She makes ends meet by selling dresses she makes with her sewing machine. She does not want to go back to Maiduguri but dreams of going back to school. I want to go back to school and get a good job so that I can be independent and take better care of my family.

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