GPD CoO | 1 879 |
Continent of Origin | A |
GDP DC | 86 251 |
Destination Continent | E |
Distance | far |
GDP Change | H |
Home Change | im |
In May 2007, I received the news that I was going to study in Ireland. I had planned to go to another EU country which I knew more about because friends and relative had travelled there, but I did not know so much about Ireland. I looked online and learned a little bit about Dublin where I would be based. When you read about something and then you see it, its different. When I arrived in Ireland it was breathtaking, considering that it was the first European country that I had visited and indeed the first country that I had visited outside Africa. Ireland is quite different to Kenya and I had to get used to it. Although the family I stayed with may not have fully understood what I was going through, they were supportive - still are, even after I moved on - and patient, giving me time to get used to the country especially when I was experiencing with new foods. But I really miss my family a lot, though. Sometimes I wish Ireland was more like Kenya. For example, the Irish are warm to me and are very friendly but I feel that in Kenya people talk and visit each other more. Of course, I understand why these things are different. It could be because of the weather or that in Ireland they are busier than people in Kenya. Actually, maybe people talk to each other more in Kenyan villages because people in Nairobi are very busy and do not visit each other a lot either. I feel quite at home; I love it here. Since I have completed my studies, it may be time to leave, but Ireland now has a very special place in my heart. I consider it home. Whenever I go to Kenya now, I feel more like a visitor there. My experience in Ireland has been fantastic. I have had a very good time here. I came to study and now I have my PhD, so Ireland and the Irish have definitely been good to me.
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