Country of OriginSyrian Arab Republic
Destination CountryCanada

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Im Tony, and this is my wife Maha and son Habib. Before the war, everything was normal in Syria. I worked in a church-restaurant for over ten years and life was good. We were surrounded by family and friends. That was when people still liked and trusted each other. Then the bombs began to fall. And then to make matters worse, Daesh came to Syria. They dont differentiate between Muslims and Christians—they just kill and destroy whomever they dont like. So, Maha and I fled to Lebanon after we got married four years ago. Maha hasnt been able to see her family in several years. All the roads have been cut off—things are really bad there. Her family has never even seen Habib. Life in Lebanon has been hard because working here is difficult. We are really looking forward to the peace and security that Canada can offer. Were really happy to be going, and weve heard Canadians are really nice. Even though our families are still in Syria, we are ready to make a life in Canada, one that will give Habib the opportunity to live in a safe, stable place. Maha and I want Canadians to know that we are like them; we can work and be productive too. All we want is a peaceful life.

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