NameHamid and his mom, Khadire
Country of OriginAfghanistan
Destination CountryGreece

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Hamid is a 7-year-old boy from the province of Ghor in Afghanistan. His family arrived in Greece about a year ago.  They live at the open accommodation centre of Malakasa, 40 kilometres north of Athens. We met Hamid a few hours before attending the elementary school of the nearby village of Malakasa, in the context of the education programme for the refugee and migrant children staying in Greece. Hamid will go back to the classroom after a very long time, as his mother, Khadire, says: Hamid and his 4 siblings attended school in Afghanistan but because of the volatile situation in our region we had to take them off school. We were afraid that the children would be kidnapped. Im really happy that my son will finally go to school here in Greece, one of the main reasons that we embarked on this journey is for my children to have access to education, it is really important.

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