NameErun, Noor and Seerat
Country of OriginPakistan
Destination CountryAustralia

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We come from Pakistan and our first move was to Ireland; we lived there for eight years and our children were born there. Then we came to Australia, and we have been living here since 2013. We came to Australia looking for a better future, a better education for the kids and better job prospects. Ireland has very cold weather and luckily when we came to Australia we landed in a beach town. We remember taking walks in the morning, the sun and breeze were beautiful. We thought, 'oh wow, we are in the land of promise now!' We left Pakistan a while ago and were used to being abroad but we do miss important people in our life, including our relatives and friends who we grew up with. We also miss our food and the environment of our celebrations. It is never easy to move around. Although it was our second time, there were different requirements to move to Australia and it was hard to get all the paperwork ready, tick all the boxes, and decide what to take and what to leave behind as we packed for our new life. We are still in the process of moving from temporary to permanent status in Australia; recent Immigration changes have affected us and it sometimes feels like a never-ending story. But we feel at home in Australia, we hope our children will finish their education here, get their jobs and set down roots in this country. I (Noor) am proud to bring my skills and experience to Australia, I work in a small rural town as a doctor and I know Im helping by taking care of families. People have expressed being very happy to have someone with experiences in different places looking after them. Our family is contributing in rural Australia, and that makes us happy.

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