GPD CoO | 39 990 |
Continent of Origin | I |
GDP DC | 4 283 |
Destination Continent | M |
Distance | far |
GDP Change | L |
Home Change | im |
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When Yui's friends encouraged her to join them on a trip to Syria in 2009, she was about to refuse. I had an idea in my head that the Middle East was not safe. But my friends insisted and I went. The food was delicious, the people were so friendly, and the architecture was so beautiful. I fell in love with the region right away. Back in Japan, I felt uncertain about my job, and had no desire to work in Japan forever. I always wanted to work outside of my country so I could explore the world and see things from a different perspective. I saw a position in Jordan at a major tourism company. I could help other Japanese become fond of the region as well! Now, Yuis job is to bring Japanese tourists to Jordan. She takes visitors to different tourist sites in Petra, the Dead Sea and Wadi Rum. I really love my job, because I feel Im doing something new. There arent so many Japanese people living in Jordan. Im the only one in my company, so my ideas are taken seriously when it comes to attracting tourists. Its my job to make sure that the places where Japanese tourists stay appeal to their sense of hospitality. In the meantime, she has built a new life in Amman. People here are so friendly. When I am sick, my friends come visit me. My neighbors invite me for dinner at their place. I never feel really lonely in this country. Friendship means a lot here. Despite her warm welcome to Jordan, Yui still misses her homeland. Sometimes, when I see the strong bonds that people have with their family and friends here, it makes me miss my family. Sometimes when my mom hears that something happened in the region, she calls me to tell me not to go to any tourist sites. But hey, Mom! Thats my job!
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