GPD CoO588
Continent of OriginA
GDP DC45 909
Destination ContinentE
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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My name is Semhar Abraham, I'm 27-years-old and from Kassel. I recently received my graduate degree in business law. My father is from Ethiopia and my mom is from Eritrea. In 1993 I arrived in Germany at the age of 5 and I have been living in Berlin for almost 5 years. When I think back to the time I first arrived in Germany, I mostly remember being very cold and that it was snowing. Home for me means family and friends. It's the place where I feel good, because I'm surrounded by people who love me. That's the case here in Germany, but also in the countries my parents come from. I have a set of coffee cups from Eritrea in my kitchen. In Eritrea, we have so called coffee ceremonies. You meet with your family or also with friends and spend time with each other, you talk and drink home roasted coffee from these cups. Here in Berlin, I drink an espresso from this cup almost every day. My grandparents were very important people for me. They are my role models, especially because they gave so much without ever demanding anything in return. They came to Germany as early as 30 years ago and then had the rest of the family join them. Back then, there was war in Ethiopia and Eritrea. That makes me a refugee child. Like the people now coming from Syria. I feel German, but at the same time also Ethiopian and Eritrean. The fact that you can see I'm from somewhere else sometimes causes problems. People don't treat you like a German, but like a migrant. However, those are isolated cases. Fortunately, I have rarely had bad experiences with racism. My philosophy is to ignore racist comments. I think you give them additional power if you pay too much attention to them.

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