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GPD CoO4 332
Continent of OriginLA
GDP DC63 123
Destination ContinentNA
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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After the experience of a very troubled marriage and a very complicated separation, I came to the United States with the purpose to work and raise my income to give education to my 7 year old son. Being a single parent in a rural community around Sanarate, El Progreso, is very complicated from an economic perspective, it became very difficult to earn money to support my son. Life in the US is difficult, not only because you dont know the people, the rules and the culture but the language. When you have your family close, everything is better, but I cannot go back because of my status. After three years, I have already a family in the United States, which has helped me to complement my life. I never imagined working in the area where I work, manicure and pedicure. The business is full with people from many nationalities; people with different characteristics and accents, but my personality has helped me win many customers and good tips, this allowed me to improve my family's income in Guatemala and especially for my child to go to school. What I like most about America is the diversity of areas and places where you can find decent work. Such opportunities are not in my place of origin. I miss Guatemalan food a lot. It is a very beautiful country, but when you have no money is very difficult to go visit touristic sites and learn. I wish I could have visited more places in my country. When I was 16 I migrated to the city, rented a room and found work in a textile factory. Somehow, when I came to New York, I was already familiar with the idea of adapting to new environments and urban areas. Adapting to new cultures, cities and people is very easy compared to how big it means having to leave your family to give them better economic opportunities.

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