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GPD CoO | 1 415 |
Continent of Origin | A |
GDP DC | 4 243 |
Destination Continent | A |
Distance | close |
GDP Change | E |
Home Change | im |
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In 1986, I got a job in Benghazi, where I stayed for 11 years before moving back to Sudan. No one chooses to leave their country, but circumstance sometimes makes its own rules. So, you always carry your identity no matter where you go. But on the other side, I did well and I got married in 1990. My wife moved to Benghazi with me. We enjoyed staying in Benghazi, as there was a Sudanese community there as well. Afterwards, I moved back to Sudan and spent another five years there. Then again, I found myself looking for another job abroad. And since I had lived in Libya before, I wanted to come back. In 2002, I got a job in Tripoli and I moved here alone. I only went back home every other year. Life was good, and I was getting good benefits from my job. But since 2011, things have changed. Now we are lacking lots of items in the unit. We try our best to help patients: after all, helping them is our job. If you can help a person, that will make you go home happy.
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