GPD CoO | 481 |
Continent of Origin | A |
GDP DC | 679 |
Destination Continent | A |
Distance | close |
GDP Change | E |
Home Change | im |
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My parents migrated to the Central African Republic (CAR) in the 70s after leaving Am-Timan (Chad) due to the armed conflict that would not allow them to live in peace. We lived in the capital, Bangui, and were citizens, Central Africans. The war that broke out in CAR in 2013 forced us to migrate to Chad, as we are of Chadian origin. In CAR, I was a shopkeeper, and had everything I needed. After coming to Chad and settling in Danamadja, I thought it would be useful to start my business again here. Today, thanks to my small shop, I am able to take care of my family of 9, including my 18-year old daughter who has been sick for the last year. For me, migration has been a way for my children and I to discover our country, Chad, and to make our contribution to its development.
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