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GPD CoO890
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GDP DC18 117
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s-1 Yamman and Fatma are a young couple from Syria.
s-2 Together with their children, Abdalrahman and Omar, they are among the first group of refugees to relocate to Sweden.
s-3 Im so happy to relocate to Sweden, I really wanted to go there.
s-4 It is a good country, a safe place for our children and for us.
s-5 Also, my brother is there for a number of years, so I will meet him again.
s-6 Before the war, I was studying computer technology at the university in Syria.
s-7 I wanted to continue with my studies, to do something more but the war broke and I had to stop.
s-8 It was very difficult.
s-9 Men were forcibly recruited to the governments army and if I stayed, Id have to kill people, but I dont want to hurt anybody.
s-10 I left Syria 5 years ago, alone.
s-11 At first, I stayed in Turkey for 4 months and then I went to Egypt.
s-12 I spent there about ten months and then I moved back to Turkey, were I stayed for 2.5 years.
s-13 At that time, my then fiancé, Fatma joined me there.
s-14 Our first child was born in Turkey and by the time Fatma was pregnant on our second, we left for Greece.
s-15 Like so many others, we crossed the sea on a rubber boat and it was a terrifying adventure.
s-16 About 30 minutes into the journey, the boat stopped, it was about 4 am in the night.
s-17 We drifted for hours.
s-18 We called the emergency number and the Greek coast-guard came with a boat and took only the women and children.
s-19 They told us that theyd take our families to Greece and that theyd come back for us, the men.
s-20 So they left, but it was the Turkish coast-guard that arrived instead, 30 minutes later.
s-21 Maybe we had drifted towards Turkey, I dont know.
s-22 They told us that they had to take us back to Turkey.
s-23 I got very angry.
s-24 I speak Turkish, I explained to them that our families were already taken to Greece.
s-25 But they insisted and they took us back and since they were really angry, we didnt resist.
s-26 In Turkey, they checked our papers and they let us go.
s-27 However, I had all of the familys passports and our only mobile phone.
s-28 Fatma, terrified, ended up all alone with our child on a tiny Greek island.
s-29 Fortunately, I was able to take another boat the next day and joined my family on the island of Kastelorizo.
s-30 It was the 19th of February 2017.
s-31 Then, the coast-guard moved us to the island of Rhodes where we got registered.
s-32 Another boat journey took us to Athens.
s-33 We decided to continue to the border, which was still open.
s-34 It took us five days to get to the makeshift camp of Idomeni.
s-35 We crossed Greece sleeping rough, one night at a basketball court, another night at a restaurant.
s-36 We spent three weeks at Idomeni, waiting to cross, to no avail.
s-37 We were given the number 136 and the last number allowed to cross was 65.
s-38 So, we came back to Athens and went directly to the Asylum service and applied for the relocation programme.
s-39 We were given an apartment in the centre and waited for the news.
s-40 In the meantime, our time here was well-spent.
s-41 Greece is the most beautiful country Ive ever seen.
s-42 We visited the Acropolis, a lot of other sites, we took the kids to the beach.
s-43 We have almost become locals.
s-44 And the people here are simple and very supportive to the refugees, we never had any problems.
s-45 Three weeks ago we got the news that were going to Sweden.
s-46 Well have to learn the language, but I dont mind since I love learning languages and meeting new people.
s-47 I would like to continue with my studies and look for a job.
s-48 I dont want to sit around doing nothing.
s-49 I need to update my training on computer technology, its been 5 years that I graduated and I really have to learn again, to follow the new developments.
s-50 And Fatima, too, wishes to continue with her studies as well, she actually wants to be a nurse.
s-51 I hope we will be able as parents to provide a safe, beautiful life to our children in our new home in Sweden.

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