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GPD CoO831
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s-1 I was born in Ngarangou in Burkina Faso and my name is Seni.
s-2 It was the adventure that led me to Chad while I was in Libya trying to reach Europe.
s-3 I am a public works engineer, but finding a job is a real problem, this is why I embarked on the journey that first brought me to Libya.
s-4 Before the Arab Spring, I made my living easily in Libya without dreaming of going to Europe or arriving one day in Faya (Chad), since I worked with an Egyptian who treated me well.
s-5 After the fall of Gaddafi, chaos ruptured; life was not the same anymore.
s-6 I was kidnapped many times and shot 4 times; there everyone has a weapon even foreigners.
s-7 Among the chaos, a Chadian told me that his uncle wanted to build a house.
s-8 I thought that in Chad, the situation would be better, and I would be able to eventually go home; I was sick of the life I was living in Libya.
s-9 We agreed on an amount of 5,653,000FCFA (USD 9,592) for a villa.
s-10 Curiously, once we arrived in Faya things changed, and I paid the price.
s-11 We have experienced suffering of all kinds and death threats.
s-12 We have tried to contact the local authorities but to no avail.
s-13 So I have to explain the situation to my friends.
s-14 My only ambition is to go back to see my family.
s-15 I lost everything and I will never start such an adventure again.

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