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Country of OriginEstonia
Destination CountryFinland

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s-1 I initially came to Finland to experience something new during a gap year after finishing my upper secondary school.
s-2 I have worked and studied here ever since.
s-3 Its been six years now.
s-4 I would say that perhaps it is the innovative opportunities for studying and education in general that brought me here.
s-5 Coming from Estonia I found the social structure and system here to be quite supportive of my growth.
s-6 There were many opportunities.
s-7 Yet, I experienced some difficulty in settling in particularly to find a place to stay.
s-8 When I got married to my sweetheart from Estonia, it suddenly became a whole lot easier to find a place, because now we were a family.
s-9 Experiencing change can have a positive or a negative impact.
s-10 When life doesnt go as I expect it to, I can either become bitter or embrace the change.
s-11 As a result of living abroad I think I have grown as a person expanded my horizons, learnt new languages, acquired new experiences and become more mature socially.
s-12 In my experience learning the local language and facts about the culture is needed for a good integration.
s-13 In the case of Estonians in Finland, compared to other immigrants, our language skills are considered too high for basic Finnish language courses.
s-14 Estonian and Finnish are similar languages, but still quite different.
s-15 I had to learn Finnish by myself, I managed but it took me quite some time.
s-16 Also, I find that when people are accepted as they are it encourages them to embrace the culture of the host country.
s-17 Maybe some dont want to integrate, because they dont feel respected as human beings in the first place?
s-18 I hope that every person realises that preconceived ideas about another nation have to be personally conquered.
s-19 We may have them, but it is altogether different when those ideas are actively lived out or people are mistreated because of it.
s-20 Nobody wants to be mistreated abroad, so it is a wise idea to be friendly to those newcomers instead, in every sense of the word.
s-21 Perhaps people should ponder for themselves, if he or she wishes to contribute to the betterment of the integration in their society, or spread hostility instead.
s-22 I personally find that I can only be one or the other.

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