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GPD CoO6 163
Continent of OriginLA
GDP DC86 919
Destination ContinentE
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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s-1 My name is Paula and I am Peruvian.
s-2 I was born in the department of Piura, in the northern Peru, but I grew up in Lima.
s-3 First, I lived in Pueblo Libre district, and then I moved to La Molina.
s-4 In 2006, I migrated to Canada with my mother.
s-5 There I finished my last years of high school, improved my French and learned English.
s-6 I studied Political Science in the University of Ottawa.
s-7 I survived raw winters but graduated and obtained my bachelors degree in 2016.
s-8 Then I returned to Lima for a few months and departed in September to the Netherlands, where I studied a masters degree in International Development.
s-9 I went with the illusion of building a new life in Europe.
s-10 During the time I studied my masters degree, I did a practice in Belgium in an NGO that advocates for the rights of refugee children of Syria and who are currently in UN camps in Lebanon and Belgium.
s-11 It was thanks to this experience that I made the decision to write my thesis on Syrian refugees and their integration into European society.
s-12 I always had the dream of advocating for other people seeing the existing opportunities in the European Union, its culture and its people.
s-13 As a Peruvian living an ocean away from my country, one always misses family, friends and food.
s-14 But my desire to continue chasing my dreams motivates me to continue the struggle.
s-15 Now, I work at the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland and I work on issues to help migrants around the world.
s-16 I decided to share my story because, although many times there may be obstacles along the way, perseverance and effort always win.
s-17 And also because I think this is an example that Peruvians are warriors!

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