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s-1 My name is Alaa Khayat.
s-2 I am Syrian and graduated from Damascus University, Faculty of Architecture, in 2012.
s-3 My graduation year was very difficult: I had to study with the constant sound of shelling and concentrating was difficult, but I was determined to pass my exams.
s-4 After my graduation I stayed in Syria for another three years, but I was unemployed and had nothing to do.
s-5 I could only wait for my visa to Erbil to arrive, so I could join my fiancé.
s-6 Luckily, I started looking for a job in Erbil before I even left Syria, so when I eventually made it there I was able to start working straight away.
s-7 Beginnings were very hard.
s-8 I had left everything behind in Syria: my family, my lifestyle, my friends and my childhood memories.
s-9 Despite the war, Syria was still home to me.
s-10 Nonetheless, I was a newlywed and I wanted to form a family with my husband and pursue a professional career.
s-11 I started working as an architect and also learned graphic design.
s-12 I now work as a graphic designer in a company, and as a freelance architect.
s-13 My double job, however, doesn't prevent me from painting.
s-14 I brought my paintings with me from Syria and started painting again as soon as I settled down.
s-15 Painting allows me to express my feelings and show how the war has affected me.
s-16 Through my use of colors and movement, I share my feelings and try to pass on a message.
s-17 With all what is happening in Syria, Kurdistan and Iraq, I want to tell people that colors give us life; although there are black backgrounds in my paintings, there is always light as well, there is always contrast.
s-18 I also like drawing women, because they embody strength, and peacocks and horses because they always keep going and reflect beauty and longing for life.
s-19 I want to tell people that even when life feels dark, it goes on.
s-20 Even in war-torn countries, people can live, love, make a family and keep going.
s-21 I am full of hope and want to share this optimism with people.
s-22 My paintings are for sale, whether during exhibitions or privately.
s-23 I would like people who buy my paintings to feel this message of hope, whatever their hardship in life.
s-24 I would like to thank the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for helping make my dreams come true.
s-25 Exhibiting my paintings was one of my childhood dreams and I have now fulfilled it thanks to its friendly, solidary and helpful people.

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