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GPD CoO15 764
Continent of OriginE
GDP DC40 718
Destination ContinentE
GDP ChangeE
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s-1 I am a daughter of a classical and jazz music historian and grew up admiring everything British, from learning the British accent from Harry Potter films and reading Jane Austen obsessively.
s-2 I came to the UK straight after passing the Polish equivalent to A-levels and applied to universities.
s-3 I spent the happiest years at SOAS, University of London, studying Politics and South Asian Studies.
s-4 I love South Asia and I went to India twice to volunteer and conduct a short fieldwork for my dissertation.
s-5 In my final year I directed a student play on the Partition of India and Pakistan.
s-6 I learned Hindi and Odissi (an Indian classical dance form) from classes at the Bhavan Centre for Indian Arts and Culture.
s-7 I also performed Indian dances back in Poland!
s-8 In the mean time I did coffee shop jobs, and I was a waitress for a few weeks.
s-9 I also worked as a catering assistant, so I know all about that side of life in London as well.
s-10 Now I work part time as a Project Manager for a recycling management company as I am a passionate vegan and environmentalist.
s-11 I am also a Volunteer Coordinator for the London Indian Film Festival, which I have been volunteering with for the past 4 years.
s-12 I love engaging with the South Asian diaspora in London, especially when it comes to films and theatre.
s-13 I am currently studying for a Masters degree in Development Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
s-14 I am passionate about labour rights especially in the developing world, and South Asia in particular.
s-15 I want to fight the precariousness of labour in our times.
s-16 I want to abolish zero hour contracts, casualised and insecure labour, exploitative and enslaving forms of employment that are covered up by the narratives of job creation and economic growth.
s-17 I want to fight for women's rights but with greatest respect for cultural and legal pluralism.
s-18 I want equality and dignity for all people and a just economic system.
s-19 I love that the UK allowed me to have such a global and diverse experience, and provide me with opportunities to fulfill my dreams!

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