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GPD CoO10 166
Continent of OriginO
GDP DC86 919
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GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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s-1 My first experience of migration came at 20, when I left Russia to go live in Brazil.
s-2 I went there as a student and I was immediately charmed by the place.
s-3 I wouldn't say that my impressions of Brazil have changed, although I did have to get past a few challenges when I first got there, but it will stay in my heart as a very important place.
s-4 I moved yet again to come to Geneva, Switzerland where I study and I work as a middle office manager for a bank.
s-5 Once again there were some hurdles to overcome; in addition to my family and friends, I also miss the right to work full time in Switzerland.
s-6 Being a migrant means learning to be more organized, more persistant and in some cases stronger than everyone else.
s-7 Finding a place to live was more difficult than I anticipated.
s-8 It was also a big challenge to find work.
s-9 I love the country and respect its people I understand their desire to protect work places for their citizens first  but I think it might be refreshing if they could be a little bit more open to the migrant workforce.
s-10 It's still a fight to get a work permit, but I'm confident that I will manage it.
s-11 I think I bring some fresh ideas to my new home, the skills that I learned in another environment and an element of diversity to the society.
s-12 I don't feel I have the right to give advice to newcomers yet, however, it's important to follow our dreams no matter where we are.
s-13 Home is where you feel safe and protected enough to follow your path, as well as to share your personality, qualities and competence.

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