Dependency Tree


NameKate, Maddie, Mimi and Ella
Country of OriginUnited States
Destination CountryCambodia

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s-1 Although theyre young, these sisters have experience with migration.
s-2 Theyre living in Cambodia now but theyve also lived in Egypt, Indonesia, and Georgia, returning to the US every summer for holiday.
s-3 I live overseas, we migrate because of our parents jobs, says Kate, 10 years old.
s-4 I would really like to help my mom and her job, she works for IOM and they help migrants coming to Cambodia.
s-5 Maddie, 8 years old, says I like living in different places because you get to experience different things.
s-6 Her favorite thing about Cambodia when she arrived?
s-7 Tuktuks!
s-8 You get the breeze, sometimes taxi drivers in the US dont let you roll down the window, but in Tuktuks, you get breeze all the time.
s-9 At the same time, going home in the summers is important to them: I like going home, says Mimi, age 7, because we get to see our family.
s-10 Sometimes its hard living far away because we miss them so much.
s-11 The girls agree that they are lucky to migrate for their parents work; they know that it isnt the case for everyone.
s-12 Sometimes people migrate because of war, says Maddie, who believes that migration can benefit both the individual and the community.
s-13 They know that some people dont get any support in the place theyve migrated to: there are big cities and there are lots of people that dont have very much, sometimes migrants do need help finding somewhere to stay and something to eat.
s-14 Ella, 11, predicted that if nobody migrated, people will go crazy.
s-15 For example, nobody would get jobs.
s-16 Companies would shut down.
s-17 People wouldnt get the food they needed.
s-18 People wouldnt make that many friends.
s-19 Some places could get sick and nobody else from another place could help.
s-20 People wont learn much about different cultures and beliefs from other countries.
s-21 In an effort to help migrants without support, Kate wants everyone in her family to donate a few things every year and hopefully encourage others to donate too.
s-22 Maddie summarized their perspective well: migration is different, every persons experience migrating is unique, and migrant is not the only identity of a person who has left their home.

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