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Country of OriginSyrian Arab Republic
Destination CountryMéxico

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s-1 My name is Ahmad, I am 23 years old.
s-2 I was born in the city of Aleppo, Syria.
s-3 I graduated from the University of Aleppo in Telecommunications from the Faculty of Electronics and Electrical Engineering in 2016.
s-4 I worked in a small organization in Aleppo that provided people with food and clothing.
s-5 Before graduating, I was a teacher and also an intern in a telecommunication company, Syrialtel.
s-6 In the first events of the war in Aleppo in 2012, I left to Al-Bab, a city outside Aleppo where my grandparents lived.
s-7 After a couple of months, I went back to Aleppo because I wanted to finish my studies, as in 2012 I was in my first year of College.
s-8 I graduated four years later and had to decide whether to go or stay and wait for an unwanted destiny since I didn't have a job and I wanted to continue my studies.
s-9 I decided to leave Syria - it was necessary due to the war.
s-10 I am very happy because I am part of the Habesha project*; this change is like a miracle after very difficult years in Syria.
s-11 To be honest, I didn't know anything about Mexico, but once the Habesha project helped me, I started researching a little of Mexican history, culture, ecosystems and food.
s-12 When I arrived at the airport in Mexico, I saw many very friendly and amazing people.
s-13 The language is a little complicated since I had never had to use the Spanish in my life, but I am taking a Spanish course at the UVM College as a part of the Habesha projects partnerships.
s-14 I'll get a good level to study a masters degree.
s-15 Finally, I want to thank the Habesha project for giving me the opportunity to finish my studies in such a beautiful country as Mexico and for making it possible for me to learn the language and to live just like any other citizen.
s-16 * The Habesha Project is a neutral, not-for-profit, non-political, and non-faith based international Mexican and Costa Rican-led humanitarian initiative aimed at making it possible for Syrian students who have fled the conflict to travel to Mexico to pursue higher education.
s-17 The Habesha Project:
s-18 Habesha Project Costa Rica: Habesha Project Mexico:

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