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GPD CoO1 931
Continent of OriginI
GDP DC1 931
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GDP ChangeE
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s-1 My name is Gurwinder and I am from India.
s-2 I am a beneficiary of IOM's AVRR programme.
s-3 I had been living in Greece for 6 years, and with IOM Greece's help I returned back to my country on March 2017, benefiting from reintegration assistance.
s-4 Initially, with the help of IOM, I purchased two cows for my livelihood and I set up a business back home in India's Amritsar district.
s-5 Once I earned enough income, I purchase another cow and I managed to earn more money.
s-6 Owning land next to my house facilitates my daily business routine and I am planning to buy more cows in order to produce more milk and expand my customer list.
s-7 My job made me feel like I was part of the community, and helped me start a new life in my country.
s-8 Thank you very much IOM.
s-9 I am something more than happy.
s-10 I feel important in my neighborhood.
s-11 Coming back from Greece with nothing would have been embarrassing.

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