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Country of OriginSyrian Arab Republic
Destination CountryUnited Arab Emirates

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s-1 I wanted to come here even before the war in Syria broke out.
s-2 I wanted a better life, I am an economic migrant.
s-3 But now I cannot go back, because I would have to do military service for the regime.
s-4 In a way I am lucky, because most of my family left Syria a long time ago.
s-5 At the same time it is very hard, were spread all over the world.
s-6 My parents and one brother live in Saudi Arabia, my sister is in Turkey and my other brother just moved to the United States.
s-7 It is difficult for us to even be in one place I could not obtain a visa for my sisters wedding in Turkey.
s-8 Now we had planned to all move to the USA, but it seems doubtful well get visa to go there.
s-9 My situation in the Emirates is really bad: The visa is tied to the job, so if I would lose my job, I would have to leave.
s-10 People here take advantage of the Syrians situation.
s-11 They know we need the jobs, just to survive, just to not have to go to war, so we are paid way less for more work.
s-12 Here its more about your passport than about your skills.
s-13 People on European passports earn two or three times as much as we do.
s-14 For me its okay for now, Im single, and have only got myself to care for.
s-15 But you cannot have a family here.
s-16 One of my friends from Syria came here with his family.
s-17 He worries about how to pay the bills, the school, everything.
s-18 He is looking so old now.
s-19 I feel being in the Arab world as a Syrian, I cannot trust people.
s-20 I think the people here would just leave me to die.
s-21 So now Im trying to find a solution, a better place to go to.
s-22 We never had a bright future ahead of us in Syria.
s-23 Yet, I think after the war is over many of us will return to rebuild the country with the skills that we learned abroad.
s-24 What I miss most is being safe.
s-25 Now I cannot be safe in Syria, but not anywhere else either.
s-26 I have no safety net.
s-27 The culture here is very different.
s-28 In Syria, even in the big cities, people knew their neighbours, here nobody cares.
s-29 I dont know how to integrate into Emirati Society, there is very few Emiratis here, and they live in a closed society.
s-30 We Syrians were pushed out of the place called home.
s-31 But Im trying to focus on the positive aspects that the experience of migrating had on my life: Being a migrant means facing challenges, being pushed, grow faster, in my comfort zone that would not have happened.
s-32 Yet, I am young and well educated.
s-33 To other people it can be devastating.
s-34 To feel the pressure, to have your hopes, plans and your very existence destroyed.

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