Dependency Tree


NameElke and Rama
Country of OriginSyrian Arab Republic
Destination CountryGermany

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s-1 Rama from Syria and Elke from Germany have been housemates for a year.
s-2 They both live in the Sharehaus Refugio in Berlin.
s-3 Elke and her husband started the project where Locals and Newcomers live and work together.
s-4 Elke: I remember Rama, when I first saw you.
s-5 You were visiting your brother, and I saw you in the hallway.
s-6 I just thought to myself: Who is this sad little woman?.
s-7 Rama: Yeah, at that time I was so afraid of everything, I had fled from Syria, and then even had to leave a few other countries I lived in, because I didnt have a visa.
s-8 And when I finally arrived in Germany, I was in a refugee shelter in the countryside, where I was the only woman.
s-9 Somebody tried to enter my room at night, and I was just in a bad situation, I was scared of everything then.
s-10 Elke: But then you decided to move to live with us, and I at first did not even recognise you.
s-11 Rama: Yes, I felt better, less scared, and my brother is also here hes the only family I have around me.
s-12 My whole family fled Syria, after we had been arrested for our political views.
s-13 Now my sisters live in different countries, and my parents went back to Syria we hope they are now old enough not to be arrested anymore.
s-14 So, now here its my brother and people like Elke and others, who are my new family.
s-15 Elke: Here in the Sharehaus we are trying to live together as a community, but also to give newcomers the opportunity to start a new life, to make the connections and build networks for life.
s-16 Rama: I need that support.
s-17 Our country has been at war for nearly six years now, and when you have to leave, you leave behind your elders, the wise people.
s-18 Now I have Elke and her husband, they support me so much.
s-19 Elke: And I feel grateful and honoured that Rama comes to me when she wants to speak about her problems or just to share her thoughts.
s-20 Ramas story and how she has changed that enriches me!
s-21 Also, I learn about her culture a lot and at the same time about me and German culture: I now think differently about some things.
s-22 For example in the German culture there is this idea that we do everything right.
s-23 That we just know better.
s-24 I had to think about that and reflect.
s-25 Also in comparison to the Syrians, we can really work on our hospitality.
s-26 Rama: What we do here, is integration.
s-27 We both are overcoming prejudices, we learn about each other.
s-28 Its not so much about cultures though, more about people, about being kind and not to judge them.
s-29 Elke: But also Rama and I, we discovered we already had a lot in common.
s-30 We both believe in God, we believe in that universal love.
s-31 We also share some values like commitment to other people and relationships.
s-32 Rama: Yes, we both believe in God and God is love, no matter, how you call him.
s-33 Superficial things shouldnt matter.
s-34 And I think we have the same kind of soul (laughs).
s-35 I think Elke is pure.
s-36 Elke: And I like the way Rama thinks.
s-37 You are so bright and open and share so much!
s-38 Rama and Elke were strangers a year ago.
s-39 They are now friends.
s-40 To learn more about the Sharehaus Refugio and its aims go to:

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