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GPD CoO3 768
Continent of OriginI
GDP DC4 283
Destination ContinentM
GDP ChangeE
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s-1 Anthon decided to leave his country, Sri Lanka and move to Jordan almost 20 years ago.
s-2 Despite the ongoing war in his country, he decided to move for economical reasons.
s-3 His wife, decided to move to Jordan a few years later, for love.
s-4 I wanted to earn some money and be able to support my family.
s-5 When I came here, I was so young and didnt know anything about Jordan, but my mother was working here and she asked me to come and help her.
s-6 I immediately loved Jordan because I felt I could try to build something here.
s-7 After three years, my wife joined me on this adventure.
s-8 We have four children who were born in Amman.
s-9 We have sent three of them back to Sri Lanka to study.
s-10 Now, Im planning to go back to Sri Lanka, when my last, finishes school.
s-11 We speak for one or two hours with them every day.
s-12 Our family asked us to come back and take care of the children, but they are studying and we need to send them money.
s-13 We are old now, we will not find a job in Sri Lanka.
s-14 Memories seem to fill in the air.
s-15 Dilu adds: I arrived here at a very young age .
s-16 I even learnt how to cook here and it is my husband who taught me how to cook rice!
s-17 I cook Arabic food because I dont know how to cook Sri Lankan dishes.Anyways, Sri Lankan food has a lot of curry, and I dont like it.
s-18 They made their lives in Jordan; they feel torn between this life they are used to and which allows them to support their family back in Sri Lanka and their country they've been visiting once per year.
s-19 Even though, lately, the situation in Syria has made it harder to make a living in Jordan, Anthon would like to stay whereas Dilu dreams of moving back there.
s-20 Anthon adds: I have had a good experience with Jordanian people, they are nice people.
s-21 I have a lot of Jordanian friends.
s-22 Before, the cost of living was very cheap, and the life was easy, but since the Syrian war the life is difficult.
s-23 I would like my sons to go to another country after their studies.
s-24 They want to go to America, but it is very difficult for the moment.
s-25 I always tell them to first come to the Middle East and then, when they have enough money, theyll travel to America if they want!

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