Dependency Tree


GPD CoO1 931
Continent of OriginI
GDP DC86 251
Destination ContinentE
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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s-1 Arundeep only met her husband for two hours before they were married.
s-2 Her father had placed a matrimonial advertisement in a newspaper and was already sifting through potential suitors when an Irish offer came through.
s-3 Rajeshs parents had moved to Ireland in the 1970s and were now looking for an Indian bride for their son.
s-4 Arundeep remembers how her father wrote a 500-word description of his daughter for the advertisement.
s-5 It said, We have a girl of height 5ft with a fair complexion who has a good education and has been working for the last four years.
s-6 Looking for a groom who matches with her qualifications and settled enough to support her.
s-7 Usually the important thing with a marriage is that you belong to the same caste, but that was not so important for us, says Arundeep.
s-8 What really mattered was he needed to be a vegetarian.
s-9 Id never been to Ireland before.
s-10 I had seen PS I Love You and knew it was a beautiful country, but I never thought: Im going to settle in Ireland.
s-11 One of Arundeeps favourite things about living in Ireland is the weather.
s-12 I know people here are always giving out about rain and dampness, but for me its gorgeous.

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