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Country of OriginJordan
Destination CountryKuwait

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s-1 I am a Jordanian citizen who lived in Jordan for the first 26 years of my life, until I left my home country to work in Kuwait.
s-2 The office where I used to work in Jordan offered to relocated me to their branch in Kuwait.
s-3 At first, I thought I would work there for a year, two maximum, and return to Jordan afterwards.
s-4 I agreed to move because I thought it would be a great experience to work abroad, learn how to be independent and do things by myself.
s-5 When I arrived in Kuwait I generally liked the atmosphere, but I was hesitant to mingle with the community.
s-6 However, I haven't faced any difficulty in adjusting to the local culture and traditions, because I grew up in an Arab country which almost shares the same traditions maybe to a less conservative degree.
s-7 I now feel that both Jordan and Kuwait are home to me, but each in a different way.
s-8 This might be due to the fact that the lifestyle in each country has its pros and cons, and I enjoy living or experiencing certain things in one country which I can't do in the other.
s-9 Still, family gatherings back home, the mountains of Amman, the red fertile soil of its spacious lands in the suburbs and Amman's cityscape are the things I miss the most.

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