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GPD CoO890
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s-1 Im a Syrian engineer, and I studied Biotechnology in the University of Moscow.
s-2 After graduation, I started working in a city hospital in Russia but was paid so little that I could hardly cover my rent.
s-3 My salary was times lower compared to anybody else working in the sector because I was a foreigner.
s-4 I invented a device for treating headaches, and I intend to work with medical institutions to test it further.
s-5 Back in Syria it was out of the question to do this kind of work actually, any kind of work was out of the question, so I came to Germany.
s-6 I'm worried that I won't be able to find a job in Germany because I don't speak German nor English.
s-7 The waiting time for enrolment in German classes is very long, it might take up to one year.
s-8 At the moment I won't be able to do pretty much anything.
s-9 The only thing I can do is wait in the camp and pray that my papers will be processed as fast as possible.
s-10 It can be quite demoralizing to just sit around, I want to work and be useful for society.
s-11 In the meantime, I'm trying to stay positive and hope for the best.
s-12 I will try to learn German as fast as possible and find a way to continue working.

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