
Bericht der Jewish Telegraph Agency über die auf dem Schiff gestrandeten Flüchtlinge

Date13. August 1938
CollectionJewish Telegraphic Ageny (JTA)
Bibliographic referenceThe Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Council for German Jewry: correspondence, Sign. Coll. 608, folder 2. Original auf Englisch

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Burgenland Jews stranded on French Tug on the Danube to go to Palestine.

Prague, Aug. 12th (Jewish Telegraphic Agency).

The 70 Jews from the Burgenland who were stranded on an old French tug in the Danube since April after being rescued from a breakwater where the Nazis had dumped them, are to receive the last Palestine immigration certificates allotted to Austrian refugees.

The seventy Jewish refugees, among whom are many old people, are now to go to Palestine.

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