A stray leaf–shaped point from Brno–Líšeň is interesting not only in that it comes from a Bohunicien context, but also in that, atypically, it is made of Stránská skála hornstone, and moreover has a retouched surface on both sides. A morphologically similar point comes from Jaroslav (Pardubice district) in East Bohemia – this too was a chance find which can be classed among those other stray finds of this type known from Bohemia, as previously described by J. Fridrich (1993). The authors, unlike J. Fridrich, are of the opinion that these points do not necessarily demonstrate the presence of the Altmühlien in Bohemia (Fridrich/i 1993, 181), but rather, on the basis of the descriptions of several Moravian finds (from Ořechov II, Jezeřany I, Vedrovice V) which show the marked typological, morphological, metric and raw material characteristics of the Szeletien leaf–shaped points, that the Bohemian finds may be evidence of isolated contacts with the Moravian milieu.