Universal Derivations v1.1
- Title:
- Universal Derivations v1.1
- Creator:
- Kyjánek, Lukáš, Žabokrtský, Zdeněk, Vidra, Jonáš, and Ševčíková, Magda
- Contributor:
- Grantová agentura České Republiky@@19-14534S@@Popis slovotvorné struktury českých slov na základě jazykových dat@@nationalFunds@@, Charles University Grant Agency@@1176219@@Tvorba derivačních sítí pro více jazyků@@nationalFunds@@, Univerzita Karlova (mimo GAUK)@@SVV 260 575@@Specifický vysokoškolský výzkum@@nationalFunds@@, Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky@@LM2015071@@LINDAT/CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat@@nationalFunds@@, Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky@@LM2018101@@LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Digitální výzkumná infrastruktura pro jazykové technologie, umění a humanitní vědy@@nationalFunds@@, and Charles University@@START/HUM/010@@A data-based approach to competition in word-formation: selected semantic categories across seven languages@@nationalFunds@@
- Publisher:
- Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL)
- Identifier:
- http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3247
- Subject:
- universal derivations, uder, word-formation, derivation, derivational morphology, lexical network, and harmonization
- Type:
- lexicon, text, and lexicalConceptualResource
- Description:
- Universal Derivations (UDer) is a collection of harmonized lexical networks capturing word-formation, especially derivational relations, in a cross-linguistically consistent annotation scheme for many languages. The annotation scheme is based on a rooted tree data structure, in which nodes correspond to lexemes, while edges represent derivational relations or compounding. The current version of the UDer collection contains thirty-one harmonized resources covering twenty-one different languages.
- Language:
- Czech, English, Estonian, Finnish, German, French, Latin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Turkish, Scottish Gaelic, Russian, Swedish, Serbo-Croatian, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, and Slovenian
- Rights:
- Universal Derivations v1.1 License Agreement
https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/page/licence-UDer-1.1 - Relation:
- https://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/derisearch2/v2/databases/
http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3236 - Source:
- https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/universal-derivations
- Harvested from:
- LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ repository
- Metadata only:
- false
- Date:
- 2021-09-30
The item or associated files might be "in copyright"; review the provided rights metadata:
- Universal Derivations v1.1 License Agreement
- https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/page/licence-UDer-1.1