A sample of over 6,000 specimens of frogs belonging to about 120 species of all families occurring in West Africa and Madagascar were screened for parasitic mites. Three species of Endotrombicula Ewing, 1931 were found in representatives of two African and two Madagascan frog families. All Trombiculidae found in African frogs belonged to Endotrombicula pillersi (Sambon, 1928), whereas in Madagascar E. madagascariensis (Sambon, 1928) and E. ptychadenae sp. n. were sampled. These three species are described, data about their parasitic associations are provided, and their zoogeographical distribution is discussed. Only those frog species that spend a considerable time in terrestrial ground habitats were parasitized; neither arboreal nor strictly aquatic frogs were infected. The geographic distribution of Endotrombicula, restricted to Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, suggests that these mites invaded Madagascar from the African continent. This is supported by the observation that the ancestors of Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril et Bibron) (Ptychadenidae), the host of E. ptychadenae, colonized Madagascar from the African continent quite recently, possibly accompanied by its Endotrombicula parasites.
A new species of the genus Lemuralges Fain, 1963 (Acariformes: Psoroptidae: Makialginae) is described from the Malagasy lemur Propithecus diadema (Bennett) (Primates: Indriidae) based on all postembryonic instars. This new species differs from the only known species in this genus, Lemuralges intermedius Fain, 1963, by the following features: both sexes of L. propithecus sp. n. show a pair of medioventral projections of the subcapitulum (vs without projections in L. intermedius) and the propodonotal shield is slightly ornamented (vs unornamented); in males the hysteronotal shield is completely covered by longitudinal striae (vs median part without striae), setae c2 are 120-140 µm long (vs 200-210 µm long), and femur III has a short transverse furrow dorsally (vs a longitudinal furrow); in females, setae h2 are, at least, 2 times shorter than h3 (vs slightly longer, or subequal to, h3), tibia IV has a ventro-apical projection (vs without projection). Larvae and protonymphs of the new species show some unique developmental delays. Female and male tritonymphs differ by their external morphology., Andre V. Bochkov, Hans Klompen, Randall E. Junge, Cathy V. Williams., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ostrov Madagaskar patří z pohledu taxonomů i ochranářů mezi nejzajímavější místa světa. A zvláště mezi palmami, v čeledi Arecaceae patří mezi významná vývojová centra - nesmírně bohatá a zároveň velmi zranitelná. Z Madagaskaru je dosud popsáno 203 druhů palem v 17 rodech, což je téměř trojnásobek oproti celé Africe. Přitom pouhých 7 druhů má větší areály, zbývající druhy jsou madagaskarskými endemity. První díl dvoudílného seriálu představuje klimatické, geografické a vegetační poměry ostrova. Zvláštní kapitolu zasluhuje i historie tamního palmového výzkumu., In the eyes of taxonomists and nature conservationists, Madagascar is one of the most interesting areas in the world, particularly with regard to palms (Arecaceae), as these form an important evolutionary centre - very rich and yet at the same time fragile. 203 palm species in 17 genera has been described so far, which is three times more than in Africa. And only 7 species have wider distribution outside Madagascar, the rest being endemics of the island. The first part of this two-volume article describes the climatic, geographic and vegetation characteristics of the island. The history of palm research in Madagascar is also mentioned., and Vlastik Rybka, Romana Rybková.
Madagaskarské palmy tvoří necelou desetinu celkového světového palmového bohatství co do počtu rodů i druhů, což potvrzuje význam ostrova pro tuto čeleď. Po prvním dílu představujícím vegetační poměry ostrova a historii palmového výzkumu přibližujeme ve druhém dílu jednotlivé palmové rody. U větších rodů Ravenea a Dypsis je podán rámcový přehled druhové rozmanitosti, u malých rodů je přehled úplný. Pozornost věnujeme i ohrožení madagaskarských palem a jeho hlavním příčinám., Palm species of Madagascar encompass almost one tenth of the entire palm (Arecaceae) richness throughout the world. It confirms the importance of the island for palms. While the first part of the series described the vegetation characteristics along with the history of palm research, the second part introduces all the palm genera of Madagascar. Smaller genera are presented in full scope, and some interesting species from the larger genera Dypsis and Ravenea are highlighted. Conservation status and contemporary threats to the palms of Madagascar are also covered., and Vlastik Rybka, Romana Rybková.
The species of flea beetles of the genus Chaetocnema Stephens, 1831 occurring in Madagascar are revised. Four new species (C. cachani, C. hygrophila, C. malgascia and C. orophila) are described and five species (C. bamakoensis Bechyné C. confinis Crotch, C. fuscipennis Scherer, C. ganganensis Bechyné and C. picipes Stephens) are added to the Madagascar fauna. The following new synonymies are proposed: C. wollastoni Baly, 1877 = C. fraterna Harold, 1879 syn. nov. = C. monomorpha Bechyné, 1964 syn. nov.; C. pulla Chapuis, 1879 = C. tantilla Weise, 1910 syn. nov.; C. bilunulata Demaison, 1902 = C. sylvia Bechyné, 1964 syn. nov.; C. vadoni Bechyné, 1948 = C. alaotrensis Bechyné, 1964 syn. nov.; C. gregaria Weise, 1910 = C. insularis Weise, 1910 syn. nov. Lectotypes are designated for C. gregaria Weise, 1910, C. insularis Weise, 1910, C. similis Weise, 1910 and C. tantilla Weise, 1910. A key to all the species is presented. Line drawings of male and female genitalia of all the species are included. Ecological and brief zoogeographical data on some species are given.
The genus Triaenops has been considered monospecific in its a frican and Middle Eastern range (T. persicus), while three other species have been recognised as endemic to Madagascar (T. menamena, T. furculus, and T. auritus), and another to the western Seychelles (T. pauliani). We analysed representative samples of T. persicus from East Africa and the Middle East using both morphological and molecular genetics approaches and compared them with most of the available type material of species of this genus. Morphological comparisons revealed four distinct morphotypes in the set of examined specimens; one in Africa, the others in the Middle East. The Middle Eastern morphotypes differed mainly in size, while the allopatric African form showed differences in skull shape. Two of three Arabian morphotypes occur in sympatry. Cytochrome b gene-based molecular analysis revealed significant divergences (K2P distance 6.4–8.1% in complete cyt b sequence) among most of the morphotypes. Therefore, we propose a split of the current T. persicus rank into three species: T. afer in Africa, and T. persicus and T. parvus sp. nov. in the Middle east. The results of the molecular analysis also indicated relatively close proximity of the Malagasy T. menamena to Arabian T. persicus, suggesting a northern route of colonisation of Madagascar from populations from the Middle east or north-eastern Africa as a plausible alternative to presumed colonisation from east Africa. Due to a considerable genetic distance (21.6–26.2% in 731 bp sequence of cyt b) and substantial morphological differences from the continental forms of Triaenops as well as from Malagasy T. menamena, we propose generic status (Paratriaenops gen. nov.) for the group of Malagasy species, T. furculus, T. auritus, and T. pauliani. We separated the genera Triaenops and Paratriaenops gen. nov. from other hipposiderid bats into Triaenopini trib. nov. recognising their isolated position within the family Hipposideridae Lydekker, 1891.
Two new species (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Cixiidae) included in a new genus, Meenocixius gen. n., and associated with Acanthophœnix rubra (Bory) H. Wendl. (Arecaceae) are described from the island of La Réunion: M. bebourensis sp. n. and M. virescens sp. n. This genus shows several autapomorphies in its tegmina venation, very particular within the Fulgoromorpha. Borbonomyndus gen. n., is proposed for another new species, B. pandanicola sp. n. associated with Pandanus purpurascens Thouars (Pandanaceae), and B. pallidus (Synave), previously described as a member of the genus Eumyndus Synave. According to morphological and ethological data, E. bistriatus is synonymized with B. pallidus, of which three different forms are recognized. All species of Borbonomyndus are found associated with Pandanus. These two new genera are endemic to La Réunion. Without taxonomic standing, the subspecies of Brixia belouvensis are synonymyzed and restricted to four different forms. A key is proposed for the Cixiidae of La Réunion, which now includes 12 species belonging to 6 different genera: Achaemenes, Aselgeoides, Brixia, Oliarus (but we show that the species placed in this genus need to be reviewed), Borbonomyndus, and Meenocixius. Monophyly of Eumyndus, from which E. perinetensis Synave is excluded, is substantiated. Following the new interpretation, this genus is now restricted to Madagascar. The species Cubana insularis Muir, from the island of Rodrigues, is transferred to a new genus: Achaebana gen. n. Finally, cixiid endemism and their host-plant associations in the Mascarenes are discussed.
Three new species of diphyllidean cestodes are described from stingrays of the genus Pastinachus from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. All three new species differ from all but 10 of the 36 valid species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 in that they bear lateral hooklets arranged in a continuous band across each lateral surface of the rostellum joining the groups of dorsal and ventral apical hooks, rather than arranged in distinct dorsal and ventral groups, on each side of the apical hooks. Echinobothrium nataliae sp. n. ex Pastinachus solocirostris off Borneo differs from other relatives in the following combination of characters: number of spines in each column on the cephalic peduncle, number of lateral hooklets and number of apical hooks. Echinobothrium reginae sp. n. ex Pastinachus cf. sephen off Madagascar differs from all congeners in the following combination of characters: number of hooklets and number of spines on the cephalic peduncle. Echinobothrium vojtai sp. n. from an undescribed species of Pastinachus off Borneo differs from its congeners in the following combination of characters: number of hooklets, number of apical hooks and number of spines in each column on the cephalic peduncle. The hook formula was modified to accommodate species with lateral hooklets arranged in a continuous band as follows: {(LH) AH(A)/AH(B)}, where (LH) is the total number of lateral hooklets in a band. A table of all nominal species of Echinobothrium, showing their taxonomic status, type host and locality, number of peduncle spines in a column and hook formula, is presented. Macrobothridium djeddensis and Macrobothridium sinensis are transferred to Echinobothrium. In addition, Echinobothrium deeghai is considered as a species inquirenda.