The article deals with the impact of the Arab uprisings on Islamism in its various forms (from the mainstream movements to the radical ones). It specifically addresses the issues revolving around the influence of politicization on Islamist movements and it describes the recent evolution of Salafi and Jihadi trends (especially as influenced by their participation in everyday politics and the war in Syria). The author argues that various Islamist tendencies have experienced significant levels of transformation in recent years, thus necessitating a reshaping of our understanding of this phenomenon., Ondřej Beránek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mezinárodní konferenci „The Protest Movements in the Contemporary Middle East“ (Protestní hnutí na současném Blízkém východě) hostila Akademie věd na Národní třídě v Praze. Uspořádal ji Orientální ústav AV ČR ve dnech 29.-30. května 2014 za spoluúčasti Francouzského ústavu pro výzkum ve společenských vědách v Praze (Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales - CEFRES) a za podpory Groupe de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient (GREMMO, Lyon) a Cercle des Chercheurs sur le Moyen-Orient (CCMO). Sympozium zahájil jako hlavní řečník prof. Henry Laurens z Collège de France v Paříži. and Ondřej Beránek, Jan Zouplna.
This article deals with Ibn Rushd (Averroes, 1126-1198), one of the greatest Islamic philosophers, and the concept of belief in his philosophy. The issue of faith – or more precisely the ways people turn to believe or have faith – constituted an important part of Ibn Rushd´s thought. This issue was also debated by other Islamic philosophers and theologians. Two terms are characteristic of these debates: tasdiq and tasawwur. Therefore, the article also presents a short overview of their use in Islamic logic, theology, and philosophy. and Ondřej Beránek.