In Capillaria pterophylli Heinze, 1933, two lateral bacillary bands extend along the whole body in female and male worms. A ventral bacillary band is present in females only. The bacillary bands consist of glandular and non-glandular cells, and in the region between the nerve ring and the end of the sticliosome, ciliated sense receptors in tight connection with gland cells are present.
The egg shell of Huffmanela huffmani Moravec, 1987 forms three main layers: an outer vitelline layer, a middle chitinous layer, and an inner lipid layer. The vitelline layer, forming the superficial projections of the egg shell, comprises two parts: an outer electron-dense, and an inner electron-lucid part. The chitinous layer is differentiated into three parts: an outer homogenous electron-dense part, a lamellated part, and an inner electron-dense net-like part. The lipid layer comprises an outer net-like electron-lucid part, and an inner homogenous electron-lucid part. The polar plugs are formed by electron-lucid material with fine electron-dense fibrils.
V poměrně krátkém časovém odstupu pouhých čtyř let byla v letošním roce udělena Nobelova cena za chemii opět v oblasti mikroskopických technik, tedy v oboru nacházejícím se na pomezí fyziky a chemie. Šťastnými oceněnými v tomto případě byli Jack Dubochet, Joachim Frank a Richard Henderson. Cenu dostali za vývoj metod k určení struktury biomolekul v roztoku s vysokým rozlišením pomocí kryoelektronové mikroskopie. Co se pod touto větou vlastně skrývá?, Jana Nebesářová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Structural differences of microtriches and distal cytoplasm of the tegument in the apical and lateral suckers, scolex proper and neck of Proteocephalus macrocephalus (Creplin,1815) were studied. The microthrix border in the apical sucker is formed by filamentous microtriches only. The frontal and lateral parts of scolex bear mainly filamentous microtriches, but seldom short conoid types occur. The transitional zone between scolex and neck is covered mainly with short conoid microtriches. The neck bears blade-like microtriches. In the apical and lateral suckers, the basal plasma membrane of the distal cytoplasm adheres to the basal lamina at some points only, forming thus a lacunal system at the base of the sucker tegument. In the scolex proper and neck region, the basal plasma membrane of the tegument is connected continuously with the basal lamina. The distal cytoplasm is penetrated by two types of gland cell ducts and cibate sensory receptors. Possible functions of different parts of the microthrix border are discussed.
In the adult fish trematode Crepidostomum metoecus (Braun, 1900), four types of sensory receptors were observed inside the forebody tegument and one type beneath the tegument basal lamina. Two types of sensory receptors extend through the thickness of tegument and have a free cilium inside a pit (types I and II). Two types (III and IV) are nonciliate and entirely intra-tegumental in location. Type IV receptor with large horizontal and thin vertical rootlets was described earlier in aspidogastreans only. Below the basal lamina, nerve endings in close association with muscle fibres, comparable with those in the Aspidogastrea, were detected.
Five types of presumed ciliate sensory receptors were detected in the forebody papillae of the adult fish trematode, Crepidostomum metoecus (Braun, 1900). The cilia are short and submerged in a tegumental pit. The apical bulb part of all types of receptors observed is supported by a dense collar and connected to the tegument basal plasma membrane by a circular septate junction. In sensory receptors types I and III no rootlet is present; the bulbs of sensory receptors types III and IV contain an electron-dense formation.
In the apical glandular region of the adult Proteocephalus torulosus (Batsch, 1786), two types of eccrine gland cells are present. The first type of unicellular gland produces large electron-dense granules of various sizes. The second type contains small electron-dense granules. Most cells form glands with large granules; glands with small granules are infrequent. The secretion of both types of gland cells is concentrated in the apical parts of the cyton and in the ducts opening to the exterior. On the scolex of P. torulosus, there are regional structural differences of the microthrix border. The apical glandular region bears filamentous microtriches only. On the remaining frontal part, surrounding the glandular region, there are blade-like and filamentous microtriches. The lateral parts of the scolex and suckers bear blade-like microtriches. Possible functions of both types of gland cells and different parts of the scolex microthrix border are discussed. The unique structure of the frontal part of the scolex of P. torulosus and its differences from Proteocephalus macrocephalus, P. longicollis and P. percae correlate well with the putative basal phylogenetic position of P. torulosus among European species of Proteocephalus.
The forebody and foregut of Crepidostomum metoecus Braun, 1900 are invested with a tegument bearing regularly arranged surface tubercles comparable with the aspidogastrean surface structures. The tegument of the ventrolateral lobes and of the prepharynx is penetrated by ducts of eccrine gland cells. The frontal and prepharyngeal gland cells, localised in the parenchyma, discharge electron-dense granules. Their ducts are lined by peripheral microtubules and fixed to the tegument plasmalemma by a septate junction. The functional roles of these glands are discussed.
The secondary osmoregulatory canals in the scolex and neck region of Silurotaenia siluri, a parasite of the catfish Silurus glanis (L.), terminate below the tegument basal plasma membrane. The basal plasma membrane of the osmoregulatory canal syncytium is in tight contact with the tegument basal plasma membrane.