Show values starting with
- Univerzita Karlova@@PROGRES Q18@@Od víceoborovosti k mezioborovosti@@nationalFunds@@2
- Bloothooft, Gerrit1
- Boumans, Dr. L.1
- Brouwer, Simon1
- Charles University Grant Agency@@GAUK 1280120@@Named Entity Linking@@nationalFunds@@1
- Charles University@@START/HUM/010@@A data-based approach to competition in word-formation: selected semantic categories across seven languages@@nationalFunds@@1
- Comeyne, Robrecht1
- Daelemans, Walter1
- Dutch Language Union@@N/A@@Onderwijs Nederlands in Beeld@@ownFunds@@1
- Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency@@EMJMD@@Erasmus Mundus, Language and Communication Technologies@@euFunds@@1
- European Union@@CEF-TC-2016-3 / Action No: 2016-EU-IA-0114@@Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)@@euFunds@@1
- Gullberg, Marianne1
- Heyer, Prof. Dr. Gerhard1
- Jongejan, Bart1
- Knappen, Jörg1
- Meijssen, Gerard1
- Noord, Gertjan van1
- Quasthoff, apl. Prof. Dr. Uwe1
- Schmid, Helmut1
- Steinberger, Ralf1