The essay attempts to rethink the relationships between styles, publics, and politics, as well as the position of intellectuals in it. Any writing, even in the most private form of a diary, as an example from the George Orwell’s novel 1984 shows, is addressed to a public. Paradoxically, the public only exists, as Warner asserts, by virtue of its own address. In this sense, style does perform a political function. However, the critics of the opaque writing of some leftist academics overlook that the public can have a temporal span into the future when they view it only horizontally in terms of its size and deduce the political efficacy of writing on that account. The confusion of the public with citizens in general leads to the undermining of politics by the headline temporality of journalistic publics. Aspirations of some academics for the role of public intellectuals are faced with the fact that for the most part there are currently no conditions for public circulation between these spheres. As a possible counterweight, Warner recalls the approach of Michel Foucault, not merely as a reminder of how it relocated the limits of the political, but also in order to suggest how the path between intellectual work and politics could be bridged by the method of “problematization”: the development of a domain of acts and practices on the scene of a tentative counterpublic., Michael Warner, z angličtiny přeložil Radim Hladík., Tento překlad je kapitolou vybranou z díla Publics nad Counterpublics (Cambridge: Zone Books, 2002, str. 125-158, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Corpus of contemporary written (printed) Czech sized 3.6 GW (i.e. 4.3 billion tokens). It covers mostly the period of 1990–2014 and it is a traditional corpus (as opposed to the web-crawled corpora) with rich metadata containing bibliographical information etc. Although it contains a wide range of text types (fiction, non-fiction, newspapers), the newspapers prevail noticeably. The corpus is lemmatized and morphologically annotated by a combination of stochastic and rule-based methods.
The corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query interface to registered users of the CNC at with one important exception: the corpus are shuffled, i.e. divided into blocks sized max. 100 words (respecting the sentence boundaries) with ordering randomized within the given document.
Corpus of contemporary written (printed) Czech sized 4.7 GW (i.e. 5.7 billion tokens). It covers mostly the 1990-2019 period and features rich metadata including detailed bibliographical information, text-type classification etc. SYN v9 contains a wide variety of text types (fiction, non-fiction, newspapers), but the newspapers prevail noticeably. The corpus is lemmatized and morphologically tagged by the new CNC tagset first utilized for the annotation of the SYN2020 corpus.
SYN v9 is provided in a CoNLL-U-like vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query interface to the registered users of CNC at with one important exception: the corpus is shuffled, i.e. divided into blocks sized max. 100 words (respecting the sentence boundaries) with ordering randomized within the given document.
Representative corpus of contemporary written Czech sized 100 MW. It was created as a representation of printed language from 2010–2014 containing a wide range of text types (fiction, professional literature, newspapers etc.). The corpus is lemmatized, morphologically and syntactically annotated by a combination of stochastic and rule-based methods. The corpus is provided in a (semi-XML) vertical format used as an input to the Manatee query engine. The data thus correspond to the corpus available via the KonText query interface to registered users of the CNC with one important exception: they are shuffled, i.e. divided into blocks sized max. 100 words (respecting the sentence boundaries) with ordering randomized within the given document.
The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is the first comprehensive dictionary of ancient Latin;
• it is compiled on the basis of all Latin texts surviving from antiquity (until AD 600), both literary and non-literary
• for less common words it cites every attestation, for the rest (those marked with an asterisk) an instructive and representative sample
• it records all meanings (including technical usages) and all constructions
• it documents peculiarities of inflection, spelling, and prosody
• it supplies information about the etymology of the Latin words and their survival in the Romance languages, contributed by recognised authorities in the fields of Indo-European and Romance studies
• it collects the comments of ancient sources on the word in question
The Thesaurus therefore offers for every Latin word a comprehensive, richly documented picture of its possibilities and history – not only for Latin scholars, but also for scholars of the various branches of ancient studies and for related disciplines.