Large hibernating aggregations and behaviour called late summer or autumn “invasions” when large groups of bats enter buildings are known in pipistrelles. We investigated differences in roosting behaviour between two cryptic species (common pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, and soprano pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pygmaeus) during autumn and winter periods. In total 463 bats were sampled in both caves and buildings with temporary occurrence during the period of late summer and autumn mating and presumable migrations from late July to September (10 sites), and in all known types of hibernacula from late November to March (34 sites). Sampling sites were located within the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania in areas where the two species occur sympatrically throughout the summer. Using a DNA-based identifi cation method, all but four individuals were identifi ed as P. pipistrellus. It means that winter roosts of P. pygmaeus remain largely unknown in the area. Similarly, no P. pygmaeus was found in the “invasion” assemblages. Very abundant groups of P. pipistrellus in underground hibernacula and its exclusive occurrence in sites of “invasions” suggest that roosting behaviour during this time may be species-specifi c.
The flight activity of bats was studied at 21 localities in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic). From April to October, bat detectors were used to record echolocation calls of bats on line transects during the first half of the night. Nine habitats were distinguished. In total, 666 minutes of the presence of flying bats and at least 16 bat species were registered during 3387 transect minutes. Myotis daubentonii was the most numerous species (46.2%) The number of bat species was the highest in rocky habitats (13 species), and the lowest in agrocoenoses (3 species). The greatest intensity of flight activity of the bat community was observed over ponds (35.0 min+/h) and streams (26.6 min+/h). With respect to habitat preference, M. mystacinus/brandtii, M. myotis/blythii, Eptesicus serotinus, Nyctalus noctula, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, and Plecotus auritus/austriacus appear to be eurytopic and M. daubentonii, M. nattereri and M. emarginatus to be stenotopic species.
A male Myotis alcathoe was identified morphologically among 119 road traffic casualties sampled in 2007 in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Two additional male M. alcathoe were found among six carcasses collected in 1999 on roads in northern Moravia. Identification of all three specimens was confirmed by sequencing of mtDNA. The first photo of a M. alcathoe mandible is presented. The species, described in 2001, has actually been known from 12 localities within the Czech Republic.
Silniční doprava ovlivňuje rostlinná a živočišná společenstva během výstavby i po uvedení do provozu. Netopýři se objevují ve studiích vlivu silničního provozu na mortalitu obratlovců zřídka. Příspěvek je zaměřen nejen na konkrétní doklady úhynu netopýrů po srážce s vozidly, ale také na letovou a loveckou aktivitu netopýrů podél silnice a v jejím okolí. and Plant and animal communities are affected both by road construction and road traffic. In studies of road traffic effect on mortality of vertebrates bats have only rarely been mentioned. The article presents both evidence of bat mortality after collision with cars and information on flying and hunting bat activity along roads, as well as in their vicinity.