The corpus contains video files of Czech Television News Broadcasts and JSON files with annotations of faces that appear in the broadcasts. The annotations are composed of frames in which a face is seen, name of the person whose face is seen, gender of the person (male/female), and the image region containing the face. The intended use of the corpus is to train models of faces for face detection, face identification, face verification, and face tracking. For convinience two different JSON files are provided. They contain the same data, but in different arrangements. One file has the identity of the person on the top, the other has the object ID on the top, where the object is a facetrack. A demo python skript is available for showing how to access the data.
The segment shows the neurorehabilitation clinic of neurologist and addiction treatment pioneer Jan Šimsa, which he ran from 1901 to 1916 in Prague's Krč district. The central building, called Vita Nova, was designed and built in 1909 by architect Bohuslav Černý. Caught on camera are the arriving guests, patients exercising outdoors, and female patients swimming in the outdoor pool.
The segment shows the Bakulův ústav pro výchovu životem a prací (Bakula Institute for Education through Life and Work) in Prague's Smíchov district. The first-ever film footage of the physically disabled writer František Filip, known as the Handless Frantík. František Bakula conducting his choir Bakula's Little Singers (Bakulovi zpěváčci).