Time series consists of complex nonlinear and chaotic patterns that are difficult to forecast. This paper proposes a novel hybrid forecasting model which combines the group method of data handling (GMDH) and the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM), known as GLSSVM. The GMDH is used to determine the useful input variables for the LSSVM model and the LSSVM model that works as time series forecasting. Three well-known time series data sets are used in this study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the forecasting model. These data are utilized to forecast through an application aimed to handle real life time series. The results found by the proposed model were compared with the results of the GMDH and LSSVM models. Experiment result indicates that the hybrid model was a powerful tool to model time series data and provides a promising technique in time series forecasting methods.
Let $q \ge 3$ be a positive integer. For any integers $m$ and $n$, the two-term exponential sum $C(m,n,k;q)$ is defined by $C(m,n,k;q) = \sum _{a=1}^q e ({(ma^k +na)}/{q})$, where $e(y)={\rm e}^{2\pi {\rm i} y}$. In this paper, we use the properties of Gauss sums and the estimate for Dirichlet character of polynomials to study the mean value problem involving two-term exponential sums and Dirichlet character of polynomials, and give an interesting asymptotic formula for it.
The main purpose of this paper is to use the M. Toyoizumi's important work, the properties of the Dedekind sums and the estimates for character sums to study a hybrid mean value of the Dedekind sums, and give a sharper asymptotic formula for it.
The main purpose of this paper is using the mean value formula of Dirichlet L-functions and the analytic methods to study a hybrid mean value problem related to certain Hardy sums and Kloosterman sums, and give some interesting mean value formulae and identities for it.
The main purpose of this paper is to study a hybrid mean value problem related to the Dedekind sums by using estimates of character sums and analytic methods.
Bankruptcy has long been an important topic in finance and accounting research. Recent headline bankruptcies have included Enron, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Washington Mutual, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers. These bankruptcies and their financial fallout have become a serious public concern due to huge influence these companies play in the real economy. Many researchers began investigating bankruptcy predictions back in the early 1970s. However, until recently, most research used prediction models based on traditional statistics. In recent years, however, newly-developed data mining techniques have been applied to various fields, including performance prediction systems. This research applies particle swarm optimization (PSO) to obtain suitable parameter settings for a support vector machine (SVM) model and to select a subset of beneficial features without reducing the classification accuracy rate. Experiments were conducted on an initial sample of 80 electronic companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC).
This paper makes four critical contributions: (1) The results indicate the business cycle factor mainly affects financial prediction performance and has a greater influence than financial ratios. (2) The closer we get to the actual occurrence of financial distress, the higher the accuracy obtained both with and without feature selection under the business cycle approach. For example, PSO-SVM without feature selection provides 89.37% average correct cross-validation for two quarters prior to the occurrence of financial distress. (3) Our empirical results show that PSO integrated with SVM provides better classification accuracy than the Grid search, and genetic algorithm (GA) with SVM approaches for companies as normal or under threat. (4) The PSO-SVM model also provides better prediction accuracy than do the Grid-SVM, GA-SVM, SVM, SOM, and SVR-SOM approaches for seven well-known UCI datasets. Therefore, this paper proposes that the PSO-SVM approach could be a more suitable method for predicting potential financial distress.
The paper approaches problem of the flow forecasting for the Liptovska Mara reservoir with a hybrid modelling approach. The nonlinear hybrid modelling framework was investigated under the specific physiographic conditions of the High Core Mountains of Slovakia. The mean monthly flows of rivers used in this study are predominantly fed by snowmelt in the spring and convective precipitation in the summer. Therefore, their hydrological regime exhibits at least two clear seasonal patterns, which provide an intuitive justification for the application of nonlinear regime-switching time series models. Differences in the prevailing geology, orientation of slopes and their exposure to atmospheric circulation for the right and left-sided tributaries of the Vah River indicate that the hydrological regime of mean monthly discharge time series in this area with respect to seasonality and cyclicity may differ, too. Therefore, a simple deterministic water balance scheme was set up for estimating the reservoir inflow from the left and right-sided tributary flows separately. It consists of the linear combination of the measured tributary flows and estimated ungauged tributary flows. The contributions of the ungauged catchments were estimated from flows from gauged tributaries with similar physiographic conditions by weighting these by the ratio of the catchment areas. Separate nonlinear regime-switching time series models were identified for each gauged tributary. The forecasts of the tributaries were combined into a hybrid forecasting model by the water balance model. The performance of the combined forecast, which could better include the specific regime of the time series of tributaries, was compared with the single forecast of the overall reservoir inflow in several combinations. and V štúdii sme porovnávali kvalitu predpovede viacerých lineárnych a nelineárnych modelov časových radov pri predpovedaní prítokov do nádrže Liptovská Mara. Testovali sme výkonnosť modelov ARMA, SETAR na samotnej rieke Váh a v kombinácii jej prítokov do nádrže Liptovská Mara. Ďalej bol uplatnený jednoduchý deterministický model vodnej bilancie pre prítok do nádrže, ktorý pozostáva z lineárnej kombinácie meraných prietokov prítokov Váhu vážených plochou subpovodia. Výber analogónov sa vykonal vzhľadom na podobnosť fyzicko-geografických podmienok v meraných a nemeraných subpovodiach. Modely typu ARMA a SETAR boli zostavené pre každý prítok osobitne a predpovede prietokov na prítokoch boli skombinované modelom vodnej bilancie a do predpovede celkového prítoku do nádrže. Kombinovanú hybridnú predpoveď (stochasticko-deterministická), zachovávajúcu špecifický režim prítokov a vodnej bilancie v povodiach, sme porovnali s predpoveďou celkového prítoku do nádrže získanou pomocou modelov identifikovaných na hlavnom toku.
The presented work reports on the progress of our methodology and framework for automated image processing and analysis systém design for industrial vision application. We focus on the important task of automated texture analysis, which is an essential component of automated quality-control systems. In this context, the portfolio of texture operators and assessment methods has been enlarged. Optimized operator parameterization is investigated using particle swarm optimization (PSO). A particular goal of this work is the investigation of support vector machines (SVM) as alternative assessment method for the operator parameter optimization, incorporating the efficient inclusion of SVM parameter settings in this optimization. Methods of the enhanced portfolio were applied employing benchmark textures, real application data from leather inspection, and synthetic textures including defects, specially designed to industrial needs. The key results of our work are that SVM is a highly esteemed and powerful assessment and classification method and parameter optimization, based, e.g., on SVM/PSO of standard and proprietary texture operators boosted performance in all cases. However, the appropriateness of a certain operator proved to be highly data-dependent, which advocates our methodology even more. Thus, the operator selection has been included and investigated for the synthetic textures. Summarising, our work provides a generic texture analysis system, even for unskilled users, that is automatically configured to the application. The method portfolio will be enlarged in future work.
This work presents a hybridized neuro-genetic control solution for R³ workspace application. The solution is based on a multi-objective genetic algorithm reference generator and an adaptive predictive neural network strategy. The trajectory calculation between two points in an R3 workspace is a complex optimization problem considering the fact that there are multiple objectives, restrictions and constraint functions which can play an important role in the problem and be in competition. We solve this problem using genetic algorithms, in a multi objective optimization strategy. Subsequently, we enhance a training algorithm in order to achieve the best adaptation of the neural network parameters in the controller which is responsible for generating the control action for a nonlinear system. As an application of the proposed hybridized control scheme, a crane tracking control is presented.
In this paper we present the design and implementation of an hyper-heuristic for efficiently scheduling independent jobs in Computational Grids. An efficient scheduling of jobs to Grid resources depends on many parameters, among others, the characteristics of the resources and jobs (such as computing capacity, consistency of computing, workload, etc.). Moreover, these characteristics change over time due to the dynamic nature of Grid environment, therefore the planning of jobs to resources should be adaptively done. Existing ad hoc scheduling methods (batch and immediate mode) have shown their efficacy for certain types of resource and job characteristics. However, as stand alone methods, they are not able to produce the best planning of jobs to resources for different types of Grid resources and job characteristics.
In this work we have designed and implemented a hyper-heuristic that uses a set of ad hoc (immediate and batch mode) scheduling methods to provide the scheduling of jobs to Grid resources according to the Grid and job characteristics. The hyper-heuristic is a high level algorithm, which examines the state and characteristics of the Grid system (jobs and resources), and selects and applies the ad hoc method that yields the best planning of jobs. The resulting hyper-heuristic based scheduler can be thus used to develop network-aware applications that need efficient planning of jobs to resources.
The hyper-heuristic has been tested and evaluated in a dynamic setting through a prototype of a Grid simulator. The experimental evaluation showed the usefulness of the hyper-heuristic for planning of jobs to resources as compared to planning without knowledge of the resource and job characteristics.