The subject of this study is the issue of sickness, death and dying as approached in the first textbooks of pastoral theology. In the Catholic confessional environment of late 18th century Central Europe, pastoral theology was a new discipline that was about to be introduced into university curricula. The aim of this article is to outline and describe the concept of sickness and death with which the first textbooks of the new discipline worked in formulating new content and forms of spiritual care for the sick and dying. These, presented as binding on future spiritual administrators, defined itself against the older tradition and drew inspiration from Jansenist-Enlightenment approaches and thought. We mainly analyse two or three textbooks that were widely used in the Czech environment. They relied on the prescribed and most successful textbook of the Viennese pastoralist Franz Giftschütz, translated into Czech by the Olomouc teacher Václav Stach, and on the Czech scripts of Aegidius (Jiljí) Chládek, a Premonstratensian of Strahov Monastery and Prague university professor. The changes in the content and forms of Catholic preparation for death and of the concepts of illness and death must be understood in the context of the reforms that affected the field of spiritual education at this time, the new view of the person of the Catholic clergyman, and also the changes in religious and moral sentiments and the promotion and dissemination of medical knowledge and concepts also in the non-medical strata of society.
Treatises on four ultimate truths about the human condition in 16th and 17th century Czech literature (an outline of issues). and Traktáty o čtyřech posledních věcech člověka v české literatuře 16. a 17. století (náčrt problematiky).
Autor se v tomto článku upozorňuje na problémy související s transplantacemi, současnými zásadami, které provázejí transplantační operace, a některými úskalími právní úpravy. Kromě právní analýzy je řešena i etická analýza tohoto palčivého problému. V textu se tak autor zabývá zejména lidskou důstojností, rovností, autonomií vůle, spravedlností a právem na život a na zdraví a jejich interpretačním rámcem v kontextu s transplantacemi. V závěru poukazuje článek na filosofickou problematičnost stanovení kritéria pro určení smrti, což dopadá na současnou transplantační praxi., Author in this article deals with issues related with organ transplantation and current leading principles in transplant laws and ethics. In this paper author analyzes issues of human dignity, equity, justice, autonomy, right to life and right to health and their context in transplant ethics. Finally this article shows some philosophical issues concerning the correct definition and standard for human death and closely connected questions with organ transplantation., Adam Doležal, and Literatura