Príspevok pojednáva o teoretických a praktických aspektoch podávania, vybavovania a prešetrovania sťažností a podávania a vybavovania petícií v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Zaoberáme sa v jednotlivých častiach príspevku prijímaním sťažností, príslušnosťou orgánu verejnej správy na vybavenie sťažnosti, prešetrovaním a vybavovaním sťažností. Pozornosť venujeme obsahu a výkonu petičného práva ako aj postupu pri podávaní a vybavovaní petícií. Príspevok sme doplnili o grafické spracovanie počtu podaných sťažností a petícií v rezorte zdravotníctva v rokoch 2007–2014 and This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of submission, handling and investigation of complaints and the submission and processing of petitions in the Slovak Republic. In different parts of the paper we deal with taking complaints, membership of a public authority for dealing with complaints, investigations of complaints. In the paper we pay attention to the content and performance of right of petition, as well as the procedure for filing and processing of petitions. We completed this paper about the graphical processing of the number of complaints and petitions in the health sector in 2007–2014
The four decades of breath-taking political and economic changes in China raise a host of questions about the governance of this, in many ways unique, world power. The authors analyse the economic, political and historical context of the origins and operation of the present-day Chinese political model, the country’s legal system and the role of the Communist Party in the Chinese society, similar in many ways to the role previously played by China’s imperial dynasties. They also highlight the new trends in Chinese domestic politics and foreign policy of the late 2010s, which bear witness to a sustained effort of the Chinese political leadership to enhance China’s great-power status on the global stage., Miloš Balabán, Michal Tomášek., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy