Vědecký poradní výbor evropských akademií (European Academies Science Advisory Council - EASAC) sdružuje akademie věd členských zemí EU, Norska a Švýcarska. Záměrem EASAC je připravovat evropským politikům nezávislá vědecká stanoviska a doporučení - každoročně vydává několik souhrnných zpráv nejen pro politiky, ale i laickou veřejnost., Oceans and seas play a crucial role in regulating our climate, nurturing biodiversity, and providing income and food to people around the world. At COP21, governments across the globe agreed that a more aggressive limit for global warming should be set as an essential step toward a more stable relationship between the ocean and climate. In spite of this positive direction, however, marine sustainability faces many challenges, according to a new report issued by the European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre., and Ondřej Prášil.
In this issue, we feature an interview with Markéta Pokorná, representative of the Ústí Region to the EU, and with Jiří Kolman, who represents the South Moravian Region to the EU. These representatives of the Czech Regions to the European Union arrange contacts and provide information about current events in European policy, present and uphold the interest of their regions within the institutions of the European Union, establish co-operation between the regions and other European regions and promote the region abroad. and Lenka Havlíčková, Michaela Vlková.