Seats of Nobility of the Era Romanticism, Landscape Gardens and the Nature of Great Britain in the Travel Diaries of Selected Representatives of Austrian Aristocracy of the 19th Century.
Fossil molluscan successions from ca 450 sites provide evidence of the paleo-environmental history of the Czech Republic and Slovakia during the Quaternary. They not only reflect the Quaternary cycle of warm and cold phases but also a number of various events, such as the impact of the cold oscillation at 8,2 ky BP or the detailed reconstruction in time and space of the habitat patchwork in areas where other fossils are sparse or absent, particularly in karstlands, in the full scale of elevations. and Vojen Ložek.
Havel’s perception of nature does not in - volve a scientific interest in its mystery and beauty, he suspected science of ultimately aiming to just utilize the nature. Nature is above all the endangered victim of the man’s unscrupulousness and exploitation. Hence Havel highlights landscape rather than nature in his texts. When he talks about nature protection, he also includes landscapes, villages and settlements, he often speaks about lapses with regard to present-day urbanism, and about human pride towards the environment. In contrast, he advocates reverence and respect for „nature, land and the historical heritage“. and Jan Sokol.
Hlavní pořadatel Krajské muzeum v Hradci Králové, spolupořadatelé Krajské středisko státní památkové péče a ochrany přírody Východočeského kraje v Pardubicích, Povodí Labe závod, Hradec Králové se svou základní organizací Českého svazu ochránců přírody, podnikové ředitelství Východočeských státních lesů n.p. v Hradci Králové, okresní výbory Českého mysliveckého svazu a ČSOP v Hradci Králové