Ontology is widely used in the computer domain to structure concepts that represent a view of world nowadays, which could formally specify semantic relationship among the terms. In this paper, we present coordination between agent crawlers based on ontology in Topic Specific Search Engines, and we try to measure understanding among them, relying on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) instead of comparing the terms only. In literature, most papers on concept similarity in FCA are based on two different concepts in the same concept lattice, and whereas there is very little research related to different concept lattices or even different agents. We propose a novel method on concept similarity for computing the Concept-Concept similarity, the Concept-Ontology similarity and the Ontology-Ontology similarity, and at last we can deduce understanding among agent crawlers. Finally, we can guide the crawlers effectively in our Search Engine.
The aim of the paper is to argue that the ontological setting of objects in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus is a version of structural realism. According to our plan, one of the opening statements of the Tractatus - The world is the totality of facts, not of things - introduces structuralist perspective: structures are superior to their constituents. However, structuralists use the notion ''superior'' in various senses, but this paper argues that the Tractatus places its objects within the framework of ontic structural realism in its moderate form. That form puts structures and individuals on the same ontological footing. Such thesis contradicts traditional object-ontology that dominates Tractarian literature., Cílem práce je argumentovat, že ontologické nastavení objektů ve Wittgensteinově Tractatus je verzí strukturálního realismu. Podle našeho plánu, jeden z úvodních výroků Tractatus - Svět je souhrn faktů, ne věcí - zavádí strukturalistickou perspektivu: struktury jsou nadřazené jejich složkám. Nicméně, strukturalisté používají pojem ''nadřazený'' v různých smyslech, ale tento papír argumentuje, že Tractatus umístí jeho objekty uvnitř rámce ontic strukturálního realismu v jeho mírné formě. Tato forma staví struktury a jednotlivce na stejné ontologické základy. Tato práce je v rozporu s tradiční objektovou ontologií, která dominuje v literární literatuře., and Martin Schmidt