In contrast to the typical Central Bohemian landscape, the Sedlčany region is characterized by quite a high concentration of wet meadows; most of them discovered during the last few years. Though it is only a fragment of their original extent. Suitable management is absent at most localities, but a restoration of farming on selected meadows has recently been started. and J.Malíček.
Ryegrasses (Lolium sp.) and fescues (Festuca sp.) play a key role in many grass ecosystems, such as meadows and pastures. Moreover, they are widely used for forage production and as amenity grasses. The intergeneric hybrids called Festulolium possess agronomically beneficial characteristics from both parents and could reflect climatic changes in the near future. our article delivers new insights into the generics of these hybrids. and Štěpán Stočes, David Kopecký.
Abandonment of semi-natural grasslands in the Krkonoše Mountains National Park has resulted in substantial changes in their structure and species composition. Alternative management strategies to maintain species diversity have been tested since the 1990s. These include different combinations of mowing, fertilization, grazing and mulching. and Hana Skálová, František Krahulec.
Rozšíř. přednáška Dr. Ing. Rudolfa Trnky v Táboře na pastvinář.-lukař. kursu, pořád. čes. odborem rady zeměděl. pro král. České v Praze 1913 and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)