Dozimetrie interního ozáření je oblast radiační ochrany, která se snaží stanovit dávku způsobenou přítomností radionuklidů v lidském těle. Popíšeme zde obecný přístup k hodnocení dávky a ukážeme přehled nových trendů v této oblasti. Pozornost je věnována především biokinetickým modelům a aplikacím matematických fantomů pro potřeby kalibrace měření in vivo., The assessment of the dose from internally incorporated radionuclides in a human body is the domain of internal dosimetry. This paper describes the general approach to dose assessment and discusses developments and new trends in the area. Special focus is given to biokinetic modeling and the application of mathematical models for calibration purposes of in-vivo measurements., Tomáš Vrba., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Biofilm, as a form of microbial existence, is very important from the medical point of view. Both our native microflora and pathogenic bacteria live in the biofilm form. Microbes growing in the biofilm show higher resistance to externall conditions and to the action of antimicrobials, which is considered to be very important virulence factor common to all biofilm-positive bacteria. The article deals with both biofilmformed native microflora and biofilm infections. and Veronika Holá.
Filamentous fungi are frequently isolated from body surface of the patients with suspected dermatomycosis. They may act as human pathogens, but in numerous ca - ses the significance of isolated fungus must be verified by additional investigations. The medically important fungi form a highly diverse and heterogenous group. Our often only limited knowledge of their biology is rapidly expanding particularly due to the development of new and improved methods of molecular biology., Vít Hubka, Naďa Mallátová., and 8 barev. fot.