The Learned Society’s two-day General Assembly took place at the Hall of Patriots of the Carolinum May and at the ASCR’s main building 17-18 May, 2010. The Society primarily encourages the free development of science in all its aspects through dissemination of scientific ideas and concepts to the general public, by awakening a thirst for and delight in scientific knowledge within society, and through supporting the enhancement of the level of education and a creative, rational and humanly responsible climate in this country. At this General Assembly, Ivan Hlaváček, well-known historiographer, and Karel Štulík, renowned chemist and former president of the Czech Science Foundation, were bestowed the Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for their contributions to the advancement of science. The Scientist Awards were presented to embryologist and histologist Jan Evangelista Jirásek of the Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, and sinologist Oldřich Král of Charles University. The Junior Scientist Awards were given to Jan Dušek also of Charles University and Jiří Šedý of Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR. The Learned Society Awards were presented to pedagogues Jarmila Ichová and Helena Kommová for their significant work in advancement of science among young students. The Grammar School Student Awards were presented to 11 students from Czech primary schools. and Marina Hužvárová, Gabriela Adámková.
The Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR organised an international conference that brought together approximately 180 scientists from 20 countries whose study is focused on diverse aspects of the biology of different retroviral and retrotransposon systems. Sharing their individual insights and specific expertise should not only serve to uncover some of the remaining gaps in society’s understanding, but may also highlight important basic principles and properties that are unique to these elements and their interactions with their hosts. and Jiří Hejnar.
7th INTEGRAL/BART Workshop was organised by the Astronomical Institute of the ASCR at Karlovy Vary on April 14-18, 2010. The workshop focused on work performed at the Group of High Energy Astrophysics in Ondřejov (and collaborating Institutes such as CTU and students) and relevant international collaborations in the field of high-energy astrophysics with emphasis on satellite projects and ground-based experiments. and Martin Blažek.