Open-air museums are very popular in the Czech Republic now. Besides the permanent popularity of these institutions, they attract more and more criticism - not only from the professional public - for their today’s condition. Attention is paid mainly to the insufficient level of authenticity, which causes the public to be misinformed about historical reality. The degree of how the depicted facts are truthful constitutes the basic problem. Considerable danger also insists in hiding or non-admission of non-identical materials and
techniques. When using intended deceits, the open-air museums
as cultural and memory institutions can easilyl and in conflict with
museum ethics.
Evropa se nachází pod tlakem silné imigrace. Nejde přitom o nic nového, v pravěku docházelo k migracím poměrně často a lze říci, že z dnešního pohledu náš genofond spíše obohatily. Pro budoucí identitu příchozích je podstatné, jak se k nim budeme nyní chovat, protože identita se vytváří vždy v interakcích., Europe is under a relatively strong immigration pressure. However, this is nothing new; prehistoric migrations occurred quite often and we can retrospectively summarize they rather enriched our gene pool. Since the identity of immigrants is always created in interactions, it is essential how we treat these people right now., and Viktor Černý, Martin Hájek.
The article enquires into the nature of group membership, on which the writing of the history of feminism rests. The author’s approach, largely sustained by psychoanalytic reading, construes feminist movements not as the inevitable expression of the socially constructed category of women, but as the means for achieving that identity. Group membership provides the illusion of wholeness only by appealing to fantasy. Within the history of Western feminist movements, two fantasies, prevalent from the late eighteenth century, operate to consolidate feminist identity: the fantasy of the female orator and the feminist maternal fantasy. The fantasies function as resources to be invoked and thereby resonate at various points in history. The aim of the article is not to deny the social fact of feminist movements, nor to question the existence of active political subjects. It is to suggest that psychoanalysis may elucidate the unconscious dimensions of these phenomena as well as the fact that they owe at least some of their existence to the operations of fantasies that can never fully satisfy the desire, or secure the representation, they seek to provide.
Identity Crisis of Artistic Representation of the Situation in the Totalitarian State in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: Film Festival as a Tribunal - Banská Bystrica 1959.
The aim of this comparative research was to map the emergence of folk dance groups, ant to assess the role of folk dance in preserving Estonianism among Estonians in exile. For Estonians, their national format became the politically correct form of self-expression. For long decades this form, comprising folk costumes, songs and dance festivals in a national romantic spirit, ond originating from the period on national awakening, has suited Estonians.