Wörterbuch für Redensarten, Redewendungen, idiomatische Ausdrücke, feste Wortverbindungen; die Suchergebnisse werden jeweils nach den vier Dimensionen Redensart – Erläuterung – Beispiele – Ergänzungen angezeigt
Possibility to download the Ridges herbology corpus as a whole or parts of it; Möglichkeit zum Download des Ridges Herbology-Korpus als Ganzes oder einzelner Teildokumente
TextGrid has purchased the Zeno.org online library (literary, historical, scientific, ... texts) and successively converts it to TEI. TextGrid hat die Online-Bibliothek von Zeno.org (literarische, naturwissenschaftliche, historische, ... Texte) erworben und konvertiert diese sukzessive in ein gültiges TEI-Format.
i.a. collection of old herbal books, old cookery books and texts on the history of German language in print media; u.a. eine Sammlung von alten Kräuterbüchern, alten Kochbüchern und Texten zur Geschichte der deutschen Pressesprache
The database currently contains about 1 million dialectal linguistic evidences of the project "The Franconian Dictionary" (German: Das Fränkische Wörterbuch), each of which lemmatized, annotated, and linked to the original questionnaire. The database is work in progress, so there will be more data available regularly.
The Franconian Dictionary was initiated by the Munich office of the Bavarian Dictionary project, sending questionnaires for a dialect survey in Franconia. In the wake of this survey an office in Erlangen was established in 1933 (see link below for more information).
During the course of 90 years thousands of volunteers helped to compile a considerable collection of vernacular examples of usage, drawn from the Bavarian districts of Upper, Middle and Lower Frankonia. For the most part they represent the East Franconian dialect, to the lesser extent also Rhine-Franconian, Swabian and North-Bavarian vernaculars. Between 2007 and 2008 a small selection of the research results was published in three editions of one printed volume by Eberhard Wagner and Alfred Klepsch: “Handwörterbuch von Bayerisch-Franken” (see link below for more information).
Since 2012 the Franconian Dictionary, a project of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, has been entrusted to the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen and Nuremberg (FAU). The project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Mechthild Habermann, Chair of the Faculty of German Linguistics at the FAU.
For detailed information, please see http://www.wbf.badw.de/en/the-project.html and http://www.wbf.badw.de/en/wbf-digital.html
Electronic valency dictionary of German verbs.
E-VALBU contains grammatically relevant information on selected verbs. The focus is on the content and formal recording of the syntactic environment (valency information).
You will also find information on their meaning, conjugation class, pronunciation (accent), style level, ability to form the passive.
entstanden zwischen 1830 und 1880; erarbeitet von Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander; Angabe von Sprichwörtern, in denen der jeweilige Suchbegriff vorkommt; neben deutschen Sprichwörtern auch Hinweis auf ähnliche (außer-)europäische Wendungen; enthält 250.000 Sprichwörter
Angabe von Wort, Anzahl, Häufigkeitsklasse, Beschreibung, Sachgebiet, Morphologie, Relationen zu anderen Wörtern (z. B. Synonymie), Links zu anderen Wörtern, Dornseiff-Bedeutungsgruppen, Beispielen (u.a. entnommen aus spiegel.de, sueddeutsche.de), signifikanten Kookkurenzen, signifikanten linken und rechten Nachbarn