Událost, která proběhla nedaleko místa odpočinku rabína Löwa, zapadá do oslav letošního čtyřstého výročí jeho úmrtí. V podzemí budovy patřící Fakultě jaderné a fyzikálně inženýrské ČVUT obživl tokamak Golem, který bude pomáhat jejím studentům vnikat do podstaty chování horkého plazmatu a jeho využití při cestě za energií z termojaderné fúze. and Vladimír Wagner.
This event was a collaborative workshop involving scientists, power industry leaders and government officials to outline the future and role of energy storage in ensuring secure energy and to discuss the promising topics for research into energy storage. The workshop sought to present ideas, examples, and projects related to experience with energy storage with a strong emphasis on promoting national awarness and inspiring action towards solving emerging problems. Through this event the scientists hoped to present promising research themes and technologies and challenge the attendees to discuss the feasibility of the technologies and trends for energy storage. The workshop was a part of the Strategy AV21 and was organized with the patronage of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Professor Jiří Drahoš by the Institute of the Thermomechanics of the CAS and the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS. and Magdalena Bendová, Jan Hrubý, Miroslav Chomát, Patrik Zima.
napsal František Stupecký, 2 díly v jednom svazku, I. Se 121 obr. v textu. (1909). 1 l., 147, 1 s. -- II. 12. 180 s. (1911), and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2018/01/18)