Search Results
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Paličova dcera / Tochter des Brandstifters, Die
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 6. 3/4 8 hod., v neděli též o 1/2 4. hod. , 1/2 6. 3/4 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Kariéra matky Lízalky
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 4., 3/4 6, 8 h., 3/4 6, 8 hod., Zač. 1/2 6 a 8 h. V neděli též o 3/4 4.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Bylo to v noci májové / Eine Nacht im Mai
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Poslíček lásky
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod., v neděli též v 1/4 4 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Srdce v soumraku / Herzen im Dämmerschein
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Plameny pouště / Wildnis (Das letzte Paradies)
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Zač. 3/4 6 a 8 hod., Bylo to noci májové / Nacht im Mai, Eine, and Dobrodružství pokračuje / Abenteuer geht weiter, Das
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Požár na hranicích / Grenzfeuer
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Pátý stupeň poplachu / Alarmstufe V.
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Můj syn pan ministr / Mein Sohn, der Herr Minister
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Zač.: 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Artur a Leontýna / Arthur und Leontine
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 4., 3/4 6, 8 hod.,Zač. 3/4 6 a 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0